I am Pravat Ranjan

I am a Product Designer and a creative polymath, for I dance gracefully across the realms of UI-UX design, branding expertise, storytelling sorcery, graphic design wizardry, animation enchantment, video editing alchemy, moviemaking mastery, photography wizardry, and cinematic exploration. Phew, that’s a mouthful, isn’t it?

| Product Design | UI -UX | User Research | Rapid Prototyping | Information Architecture | Design Thinking | Branding | Visual Storytelling | Graphic Design | Motion Graphics | Content Strategist | Creative Thinking & Strategic Planning | Leadership & Team Building| Problem solving | Cross Functional Collaboration |Design Sprints| Lean Design Process | Agile Methodologies |
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My professional voyage so far!

Creativity has been my guiding light and steadfast companion. In a world often hesitant to embrace the unorthodox, I’ve forged ahead, fueled by a passion for innovation and an unwavering belief in the power of design to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Each challenge has been an opportunity for growth, each setback a chance to learn and evolve. as I look to the future, I do so with anticipation, eager to continue pushing the boundaries of design, inspiring others to embrace their creativity.

Why Design Thinking?

Design Thinking is not just a methodology but a mindset—a way of approaching problems and opportunities with empathy, creativity, and collaboration. I firmly believe in the power of Design Thinking as a guiding philosophy for innovation and problem-solving. Design Thinking is a testament to the inherent creativity within each of us, inviting us to unleash our imaginations, challenge assumptions, and explore the unknown. It beckons us to embrace ambiguity, to see obstacles not as barriers but as opportunities for innovation. In a world characterized by complexity and uncertainty, Design Thinking offers a guiding light, a framework for navigating the turbulent waters of change with curiosity, resilience, and optimism.

Recent Projects

These case studies highlight my strategic approach to design, combining user-centric research, cross-functional collaboration, and iterative prototyping to deliver impactful solutions. As a leader in UI/UX design, my goal is to create products that not only meet user needs but also exceed expectations, driving business growth and customer satisfaction.


My appreciation for micro-interactions stems from their ability to elevate user experiences in subtle yet profound ways. I often find myself creating delightful micro-animations in my free time. Those small, delightful moments that occur within a user interface, often going unnoticed but profoundly impacting user engagement and satisfaction. The meticulous attention to detail and the thoughtful consideration for the user’s experience makes the entire process really enriching! All the animations/interactions are created by me!

Quick Reads

I find great joy in crafting concise and impactful reads. The challenge of distilling complex ideas into bite-sized pieces fuels my creativity and keeps me motivated. It allows me to explore a wide range of topics, from tech trends to creative insights, while maintaining a sense of focus and clarity.


As a seasoned creative polymath, my love for visual storytelling through videos and animations stems from the sheer breadth of expression it offers. It’s not just about conveying a narrative; it’s about crafting an immersive experience that engages multiple senses and emotions. From conceptualization to execution, every aspect becomes a canvas for my creativity. These Some of my recent creation. The entire process, from content writing, scripting, cinematogrpahy to editing & animation was done by me!

My Blogs

Writing blogs, for me, is not just a creative outlet; it’s an integral part of my creative journey. It allows me to express myself authentically, connect with others, refine my craft, and document my evolution as a creative individual. It’s a journey of self-discovery, growth, and exploration—one that I am deeply grateful to embark on every time I sit down to write.

Designing Persuasive UX

How Story Telling is going to change the face of Morden Day User Experience?

Post-Pandemic Consumer Behaviour and its Challenges

The Blue psychology

6 Golden Rules to Enhance Creative Thinking

Read More
My Blogs on Medium

Knowledge sharing, research collaborations & UX meetups

UX collabs, meetups, and knowledge sharing initiatives has been instrumental in shaping my journey as a Product Designer. By embracing collaboration, staying connected with the UX community, and nurturing a culture of continuous learning and sharing, we remain at the forefront of design innovation, delivering impactful solutions that resonate with our users and drive business success.

Creative collaborations for Marketing & Sales:

I believe in breaking down silos between departments and fostering a cross-functional environment where diverse perspectives converge to produce exceptional work. In partnership with marketing and sales teams, I would initiate a dynamic process that begins with in-depth research and analysis to understand the target audience, market trends, and competitive landscape. Throughout this collaborative journey, I would leverage my expertise in design, storytelling, and brand strategy to weave narratives that captivate audiences and drive meaningful engagement. Here is a few ad campaigns we created.

My Videos

When I’m not busy concocting ingenious solutions or diving deep into the intricacies of the human mind, you’ll find me in my natural habitat: in front of the camera, armed with nothing but my wit, wisdom, and an absurd amount of enthusiasm 🙂
Here are some of my videos .

My Artworks

In those stolen moments of inspiration, when the world quiets and my mind overflows with ideas, there’s a magnetic pull towards the blank canvas. Pencils become extensions of my thoughts, sketching fantastical landscapes or characters sprung from the depths of my imagination. Here are some of my favourite drawings.

My joyful escapes and passions

Photography, for me isn’t merely a hobby but a profound expression of my perception of the world. It serves as a lens through which I interpret reality. It encourages me to venture beyond my comfort zone, seeking out new perspectives and pushing the boundaries of creativity

Talk to me. I am fabulous!
pravat.pbr@gmail.com | +91-8217648473

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